
lib/ AssetGraph.js errors.js index.js query.js
assets/ Asset.js Atom.js CacheManifest.js CoffeeScript.js Css.js Flash.js Gif.js Htc.js Html.js I18n.js Ico.js Image.js JavaScript.js Jpeg.js Json.js KnockoutJsTemplate.js Less.js Png.js Rss.js StaticUrlMap.js Stylus.js Text.js Xml.js index.js
relations/ CacheManifestEntry.js CssAlphaImageLoader.js CssBehavior.js CssFontFaceSrc.js CssImage.js CssImport.js CssUrlTokenRelation.js HtmlAlternateLink.js HtmlAnchor.js HtmlAppleTouchStartupImage.js HtmlApplet.js HtmlAudio.js HtmlCacheManifest.js HtmlConditionalComment.js HtmlDataBindAttribute.js HtmlEdgeSideInclude.js HtmlEmbed.js HtmlFrame.js HtmlIFrame.js HtmlIFrameSrcDoc.js HtmlImage.js HtmlInlineScriptTemplate.js HtmlKnockoutContainerless.js HtmlObject.js HtmlRelation.js HtmlRequireJsMain.js HtmlScript.js HtmlShortcutIcon.js HtmlStyle.js HtmlStyleAttribute.js HtmlVideo.js HtmlVideoPoster.js JavaScriptAmdDefine.js JavaScriptAmdRequire.js JavaScriptCommonJsRequire.js JavaScriptExtJsRequire.js JavaScriptGetStaticUrl.js JavaScriptGetText.js JavaScriptInclude.js JavaScriptShimRequire.js JavaScriptTrHtml.js Relation.js StaticUrlMapEntry.js index.js
resolvers/ data.js extJs4Dir.js file.js fixedDirectory.js http.js index.js javascript.js
transforms/ addCacheManifest.js bundleRelations.js bundleRequireJs.js compileCoffeeScriptToJavaScript.js compileLessToCss.js compileStylusToCss.js compressJavaScript.js convertCssImportsToHtmlStyles.js convertHtmlStylesToInlineCssImports.js convertStylesheetsToInlineStyles.js drawGraph.js executeJavaScriptInOrder.js externalizeRelations.js flattenStaticIncludes.js inlineCssImagesWithLegacyFallback.js inlineRelations.js loadAssets.js mergeIdenticalAssets.js minifyAssets.js moveAssets.js moveAssetsInOrder.js populate.js prettyPrintAssets.js pullGlobalsIntoVariables.js registerRequireJsConfig.js removeAssets.js removeRelations.js setAssetContentType.js setAssetEncoding.js setAssetExtension.js setHtmlImageDimensions.js startOverIfAssetSourceFilesChange.js writeAssetsToDisc.js writeAssetsToStdout.js writeStatsToStderr.js
util/ deepCopy.js extendWithGettersAndSetters.js fsTools.js getImageInfoFromBuffers.js memoizeAsyncAccessor.js uniqueId.js urlTools.js
  • comment.value + "
                text += uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(this._parseTree, {beautify: this.isPretty, quote_char: this.quoteChar || null});
                this._text = text;
            } else {
                this._text = this._getTextFromRawSrc();
        return this._text;

    get parseTree() {
        if (!this._parseTree) {
            var text = this.text,
                firstToken = uglifyJs.parser.tokenizer(text)();
            if (firstToken) {
                this.copyrightNoticeComments = firstToken.comments_before.filter(function (comment) {
                    return /^!/.test(comment.value);
            try {
                this._parseTree = uglifyJs.parser.parse(text);
            } catch (e) {
                var err = new errors.ParseError({
                    message: 'Parse error in ' + this.urlOrDescription + '\n' + e.message + ' (line ' + e.line + ', column ' + e.col + ')',
                    line: e.line,
                    column: e.col,
                    asset: this
                if (this.assetGraph) {
                    this.assetGraph.emit('error', err);
                } else {
                    throw err;
        return this._parseTree;

    set parseTree(parseTree) {
        this._parseTree = parseTree;

    get isEmpty() {
        return this.parseTree[1].length === 0;

    minify: function () {
        this.isPretty = false;
        var parseTree = this.parseTree; // So markDirty removes this._text
        return this;

    prettyPrint: function () {
        this.isPretty = true;
        var parseTree = this.parseTree; // So markDirty removes this._text
        return this;

    findOutgoingRelationsInParseTree: function () {
        var outgoingRelations = [],
            syntaxErrors = [],
            warnings = [];

        var extractStringNodes = function (arrayOrStringOrObjectAst, errorMessage) {
            var stringNodes = [];

            if (arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[0] === 'string') {
                stringNodes = [arrayOrStringOrObjectAst];
            } else if (arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[0] === 'array' && arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[1].every(function (node) {return node[0] === 'string';})) {
                stringNodes = arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[1];
            } else if (arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[0] === 'object' && arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[1].every(function (keyValue) {return keyValue[1][0] === 'string';})) {
                stringNodes = arrayOrStringOrObjectAst[1].map(function (keyValue) {
                    return keyValue[1];
            } else {
                syntaxErrors.push(new errors.SyntaxError({
                    message: errorMessage + ': first argument must be string or array of strings: ' + JSON.stringify(arrayOrStringOrObjectAst),
                    asset: this
            return stringNodes;

        var assetGraph = this.assetGraph;

        function resolveRequireJsUrl(url) {
            if (assetGraph.requireJsConfig) {
                return assetGraph.requireJsConfig.resolveUrl(url);
            } else {
                return url;

        if (assetGraph && assetGraph.requireJsConfig && this.incomingRelations.some(function (incomingRelation) {return /^JavaScript(?:ShimRequire|Amd(?:Define|Require))$/.test(incomingRelation.type);})) {
            var moduleName = assetGraph.requireJsConfig.getModuleName(this, new relations.JavaScriptShimRequire({from: this}).baseAsset.url), // Argh!
                shimConfig = assetGraph.requireJsConfig.shim[moduleName];
            if (shimConfig && shimConfig.deps) {
                assetGraph.requireJsConfig.shim[moduleName].deps.forEach(function (shimModuleName) {
                    var outgoingRelation = new relations.JavaScriptShimRequire({
                        from: this,
                        href: shimModuleName
           = {url: resolveRequireJsUrl(outgoingRelation.href)};
                }, this);

        var parseTree = this.parseTree,
            walker = uglifyJs.uglify.ast_walker();
            call: function () {
                var stack = walker.stack(),
                    node = stack[stack.length - 1],
                    parentNode = walker.parent(),
                    parentParentNode = stack[stack.length - 3];

                if (parentNode[0] === 'toplevel') {
                    parentNode = parentNode[1];
                if (parentParentNode[0] === 'toplevel') {
                    parentParentNode = parentParentNode[1];

                if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'INCLUDE') {
                    if (node[2].length === 1 && node[2][0][0] === 'string') {
                        outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptInclude({
                            from: this,
                            to: {
                                url: node[2][0][1]
                            node: node,
                            detachableNode: parentNode[0] === 'seq' ? node : parentNode,
                            parentNode: parentNode[0] === 'seq' ? parentNode : parentParentNode
                    } else {
                        syntaxErrors.push(new errors.SyntaxError({
                            message: "Invalid INCLUDE syntax: Must take a single string argument:" + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node),
                            asset: this
                } else if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'GETTEXT') {
                    if (node[2].length === 1 && node[2][0][0] === 'string') {
                        // TRHTML(GETTEXT(...)) is covered by TRHTML below:
                        if (parentNode[0] !== 'call' || parentNode[1][0] !== 'name' || parentNode[1][1] !== 'TRHTML') {
                            outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptGetText({
                                from: this,
                                to: {
                                    url: node[2][0][1]
                                node: node,
                                parentNode: parentNode
                    } else {
                        syntaxErrors.push(new errors.SyntaxError({
                            message: "Invalid GETTEXT syntax: " + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node),
                            asset: this
                } else if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'GETSTATICURL') {
                    outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptGetStaticUrl({
                        from: this,
                        node: node,
                        to: new (require('./StaticUrlMap'))({
                            parseTree: deepCopy(node[2])
                } else if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'TRHTML') {
                    if (node[2][0][0] === 'string') {
                        outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptTrHtml({
                            from: this,
                            node: node,
                            to: new (require('./Html'))({
                                node: node,
                                text: node[2][0][1]
                    } else if (node[2][0][0] === 'call' && node[2][0][1][0] === 'name' && node[2][0][1][1] === 'GETTEXT' &&
                               node[2][0][2].length === 1 && node[2][0][2][0][0] === 'string') {
                        outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptTrHtml({
                            from: this,
                            node: node,
                            to: {
                                url: node[2][0][2][0][1]
                    } else {
                        syntaxErrors.push(new errors.SyntaxError({
                            message: "Invalid TRHTML syntax: " + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node),
                            asset: this
                } else if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'require' &&
                           ((node[2].length === 2 && node[2][1][0] === 'function') || node[2].length === 1) &&
                           node[2][0][0] === 'array') {
                    var arrayNode = node[2][0];
                    arrayNode[1].forEach(function (arrayItemAst) {
                        if (arrayItemAst[0] === 'string') {
                            if (arrayItemAst[1] !== 'exports') {
                                var outgoingRelation = new relations.JavaScriptAmdRequire({
                                    from: this,
                                    callNode: node,
                                    arrayNode: arrayNode,
                                    node: arrayItemAst
                       = {url: resolveRequireJsUrl(outgoingRelation.href)};
                        } else {
                            warnings.push(new errors.SyntaxError('Skipping non-string JavaScriptAmdRequire item: ' + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node)));
                    }, this);
                } else if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'define') {
                    var arrayNode;
                    if (node[2].length === 3 && node[2][0][0] === 'string' && node[2][1][0] === 'array') {
                        arrayNode = node[2][1];
                    } else if (node[2].length === 2 && node[2][0][0] === 'array') {
                        arrayNode = node[2][0];
                    if (arrayNode) {
                        arrayNode[1].forEach(function (arrayItemAst) {
                            if (arrayItemAst[0] === 'string') {
                                if (arrayItemAst[1] !== 'exports') {
                                    var outgoingRelation = new relations.JavaScriptAmdDefine({
                                        from: this,
                                        callNode: node,
                                        arrayNode: arrayNode,
                                        node: arrayItemAst
                           = {url: resolveRequireJsUrl(outgoingRelation.href)};
                            } else {
                                warnings.push(new errors.SyntaxError('Skipping non-string JavaScriptAmdDefine item: ' + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node)));
                        }, this);
                } else if (node[1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1] === 'require' &&
                           node[2].length === 1 && node[2][0][0] === 'string') {
                    var baseUrl = this.nonInlineAncestor.url;
                    if (/^file:/.test(baseUrl)) {
                        var Module = require('module'),
                            path = require('path'),
                            fileName = urlTools.fileUrlToFsPath(baseUrl),
                            fakeModule = new Module(fileName),
                        fakeModule.filename = fileName;
                        fakeModule.paths = Module._nodeModulePaths(path.dirname(fakeModule.filename));

                        try {
                            resolvedFileName = Module._resolveFilename(node[2][0][1], fakeModule);
                            if (Array.isArray(resolvedFileName)) {
                                resolvedFileName = resolvedFileName[0]; // Node 0.4?
                        } catch (e) {
                            warnings.push(new errors.SyntaxError({message: "Couldn't resolve " + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node) + ", skipping", relationType: 'JavaScriptCommonJsRequire'}));
                        // Skip built-in and unresolvable modules (they just resolve to 'fs', 'util', etc., not a file name):
                        if (/^\//.test(resolvedFileName)) {
                            outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptCommonJsRequire({
                                from: this,
                                to: {
                                    url: urlTools.fsFilePathToFileUrl(resolvedFileName)
                                node: node
                    } else {
                        warnings.push(new errors.SyntaxError({message: 'Skipping JavaScriptCommonJsRequire (only supported from file: urls): ' + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node), relationType: 'JavaScriptCommonJsRequire'}));
            stat: function () {
                var stack = walker.stack(),
                    node = stack[stack.length - 1],
                    parentNode = walker.parent();

                if (parentNode[0] === 'toplevel') {
                    parentNode = parentNode[1];
                if (node[1][0] === 'call' && node[1][1][0] === 'dot' &&
                    node[1][1][1][0] === 'name' && node[1][1][1][1] === 'Ext') {
                    var methodName = node[1][1][2];
                    if (methodName === 'setPath') {
                        // TODO:
                        // Ext.setPath('Foo', 'path/relative/to/the/html/doc');
                    } else if (methodName === 'create') {
                        // TODO:
                        // Ext.create(''); // <-- implicit Ext.require
                    } else if (methodName === 'define') {
                        // Ext.define(className, {
                        //     extend: '', // <-- implicit Ext.require
                        //     requires: [''], // <-- implicit Ext.require
                        //     mixins: {
                        //         theName: 'Foo.Baz' // <-- implicit Ext.require
                        //     }
                        // })

                        var addRelationsFromExtDefine = function (objAst) {
                            objAst[1].forEach(function (keyValue) {
                                if (/^(?:mixins|requires|extend)$/.test(keyValue[0])) {
                                    extractStringNodes(keyValue[1], 'Invalid Ext.define.' + keyValue[0] + ' syntax').forEach(function (stringNode) {
                                        outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptExtJsRequire({
                                            from: this,
                                            to: {
                                                // Replace first . with : and the rest with /
                                                url: stringNode[1].replace('.', ':').replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js'
                                            node: stringNode
                                    }, this);
                            }, this);

                        if (node[1][2].length >= 2 && node[1][2][0][0] === 'string' && node[1][2][1][0] === 'object') {
                        } else if (node[1][2].length >= 2 && node[1][2][0][0] === 'string' && node[1][2][1][0] === 'call' && node[1][2][1][1][0] === 'function') {
                            // This makes me want to cry:
                            // Ext.define("Ext.tip.QuickTipManager", function() {
                            //    var tip, disabled = false;
                            //    return {
                            //        requires: [ "Ext.tip.QuickTip" ],
                            //        singleton: true,
                            //        alternateClassName: "Ext.QuickTips"
                            //    };
                            //    // ...
                            // }());
                            var functionStatements = node[1][2][1][1][3];
                            for (var i = 0 ; i < functionStatements.length ; i += 1) {
                                if (functionStatements[i][0] === 'return' && functionStatements[i][1][0] === 'object') {
                        } else {
                            warnings.push(new errors.NotImplementedError("Skipping unsupported Ext.define syntax: " + uglifyJs.uglify.gen_code(node)));
                    } else if (methodName === 'exclude') {
                        syntaxErrors.push(new errors.NotImplementedError({message: "Ext.exclude not supported", asset: this}));
                    } else if (methodName === 'require' || methodName === 'syncRequire') {
                        if (node[1][2].length === 0) {
                            syntaxErrors.push(new errors.SyntaxError({message: 'Invalid Ext.require syntax: Must have at least one argument', asset: this}));
                        } else {
                            if (node[1][2][0][0] !== 'name') { // The Ext bootstrapper itself contains some Ext.syncRequire(h) statements
                                extractStringNodes(node[1][2][0], 'Invalid Ext.require syntax').forEach(function (stringNode) {
                                    outgoingRelations.push(new relations.JavaScriptExtJsRequire({
                                        from: this,
                                        to: {
                                            // Replace first . with : and the rest with /
                                            url: stringNode[1].replace('.', ':').replace(/\./g, '/') + '.js'
                                        extRequireStatParentNode: parentNode,
                                        extRequireStatNode: node,
                                        node: stringNode
                                }, this);
        }, function () {

        if (syntaxErrors.length) {
            if (this.assetGraph) {
                syntaxErrors.forEach(function (syntaxError) {
                    syntaxError.asset = this;
                    this.assetGraph.emit('error', syntaxError);
                }, this);
            } else {
                throw new Error(_.pluck(errors, 'message').join("\n"));
        if (warnings.length) {
            warnings.forEach(function (warning) {
                if (this.assetGraph) {
                    warning.asset = this;
                    this.assetGraph.emit('warn', warning);
                } else {
            }, this);
        return outgoingRelations;

// Grrr...
JavaScript.prototype.__defineSetter__('text', Text.prototype.__lookupSetter__('text'));

module.exports = JavaScript;